This article describes the steps involved in updating the firmware of the Huawei e5776s-32 4G Router. The necessary update files for Windows users have been uploaded to my web server, to make accessing them easier. For the paranoid (i.e. sensible!!) user the originals are available at the time of writing Continue Reading
mobile broadband
Révisez Huawei e5776s-32 En Francais!
Télécharger ce fichier et ouvrez. Visiter ici, entrer votre IMEI et ecrirez le mot de passe* généré. Reliez votre routeur par USB, puis attendez alors qu’installer les pilotes Exécutez Update_UTPS1.12.00.414_MAC1.12.00.414.exe – (nouveaux pilotes) Exécutez E5776_Update_22. – *mot de passe requis Update_WEBUI_15. Fin! Ou en Anglais
Update Huawei e5776s-32 Archive Version
A few weeks ago I wrote about how to get a cheap 4G mobile broadband router, and I’ve been using it happily. The only thing that bugged me was the EE branded interface. Today I’ve managed to get rid of that, by updating to a newer, unbranded version of the Continue Reading